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  • The seamer application range and works

    日期:2013-1-8  阅读2851次

    The seamer important applied to the sealing of the cans, steel cans, paper cans, individual pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, beverage, chemical and other industries have used. Semi-active seamer often stand-alone use perhaps matching small-volume, multi-species filling line. Whole initiative seamer multi-match with the consumption of large quantities of a single product line. The full initiative in front of the filling machine technology based on materials with different constant fluid filling machine, powder filling machine. After the process is often matched labeling machine, inkjet printer, and other equipment.


    The seamer task principle:


    Filling machine filling jars inflow to the on seamer dial.


    2 off the cover the machine start initiative superstructure.


    Dial to the first knife pre-closure.


    4 into the vacuum chamber and a vacuum was drawn.


    5 the seamer the price by vacuum suction switching valves grasp vacuum chamber into nitrogen, nitrogen inhalation jar.


    6 of the jar with nitrogen into the second blade holding seal.


    7. Finished output.